Wednesday 21 May 2014

Out of the ordinary

At the end of every day, our class has a share circle. We began the year, pulling teeth, just to make it through five minute! Now, we allot usually between 10-20 minutes every day. And we still don't have enough time. We have used this time for children to share their thoughts about the day, any wonders they have and anything they have learned that day. We have had some amazing conversations start from our share circle, as well as new inquiries in the class. We are now trying to focus our share circle on student work that they feel or we feel is a personal best. We have talked to the children about the meaning of personal best and that this could mean a piece of work they have worked really hard on or it could be a piece of work that is really out of the ordinary for that child. Today, we shared an out of the ordinary learning story. Please enjoy:

I was working with another student today when K.M. came to me with a piece of paper that had a circle drawn on it in pen.

K.M.- "There Ms.Stacey. That's my plan. Can I go make my picture in the art studio."
Ms. Stacey-"That's not a plan. That is a circle. It doesn't tell me what you are going to do or what kind of materials you are going to use." (We have been using plans all year)

She then went onto Ms.Danah.

K.M.-"What's a plan, Ms. Danah?"
Ms. Danah-"What a great question. It is when we draw the things that we want to do and where they want to go."
K.M.-"Ok. I want to make a plan so I can go in the art studio."
Ms.Danah-"Perfect. I see you have a circle. What is it?"
K.M.-"it's dirt. And I want trees."
Ms.Danah-"Ok. Draw the trees where you want them."

The conversation went on throughout some time. Afterwards, K.M. brought her plan over to me, along with Ms. Danah. They explained it all to me. I was amazed.

Ms.Stacey-"Wow! What a fantastic idea going and asking about plans. I didn't realize you didn't know what a plan was. I am so proud of you. Would you like to share this at share circle later?"

This is very out of the ordinary for her because she usually rushes through everything in order to move onto something else. To see her tKe her time, find another person to ask what a plan was, then to create the plan and follow through was a vast improvement for her. Here she is sharing her incredible work at share circle with Ms. Danah. She even explained everything really well to the rest of the class. Hopefully, this inspired other children to make plans and know that they can ask questions to clarify misunderstandings. 

Curriculum connection: 

Big ideas: 1. Children are effective communicators.
2. Children are curious and connect prior knowledge to new contexts in order to understand.
3. Young children have an innate openness to artistic activities.

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